Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blah, blah. Filler, filler

So... What's been happening? Some disconcerting news, but I don't have anything solid yet, so I'm trying to put my panic on hold as best I can. But it's had me considerably distracted the past few days, so I couldn't quite wrap my head around blogging. Plus, we've been busy, so there's that.

School has been happening, and it's been mostly good. We got thrown off our routine on Friday, but the kids worked through it like champs. Kadin had to finish his work in the evening, but he didn't even complain. He just sat down and did it, which is awesome, and a sign of good things to come I think.

I managed to use pretty much all of the Bountiful Baskets stuff we got last Saturday, and what we haven't used yet we still can. Got another today, which was picked up and delivered by a friend which is a huge help. I would have taken pictures, but I didn't. It was a pretty good week, though. It's way better than when I tried it in the fall. It could be that I just tried when it was slow weeks, but I was pretty down on the system for a bit there. But the past two weeks have definitely been worth the $16.50    I put into them. Now I just have to figure out how to use a head of cabbage. I have never bought cabbage before except to make cole slaw. I think I'm going to make some soup. Maybe even a double batch and just get it used up.

And as stated before.... For lack of better content, and for the sake of having a picture to post, take a look at the front view of my house.

(These are from the spring. Everything is significantly less green now.)


  1. What a beautiful house! Standing in the midst of chaos and change is seriously challenging, so hang in there.

    1. Thank you! I fell in love with this house as soon as I drove up to it. I didn't even need to see the inside to know I wanted it to be mine!

      And yes, it is. I feel like it's been constant chaos and change for years and I'm darn tired of it.

  2. Chop it up the cabbage and stirfry it. Or use it in a curry of some kind. Easy peasy. We did this the last two weeks.

    1. That's a good thought. When I was trying to think of ways I eat cabbage, all I came up with was soup and corned beef. I somehow overlooked it being in stir fries and such.

  3. Love your house!! I dream of mature trees and more land...someday!

    1. I definitely wouldn't say we have land, but we definitely do have a decently sized yard. We have more in the front and the side than in the back, though.

      And yes, the trees are one of the things I love about this neighborhood.

  4. I discovered I like cabbage in pioneer woman's Thai noodles recipe. Just sauté the cabbage up and add it in at the end. Yum!

  5. What a fabulous house, Nicole!
    Slightly jealous, I live in an apartment. :)

    1. There are days I miss when we lived in an apartment. I used to spend so much less time cleaning back then, and there was actually an end to it. Now there's not even an end to cleaning floors. It's really a give and a take.

  6. Such a gorgeous home! A wrap around porch has always been my dream.
